Prepare Yourself to Take the Cambridge Linguaskill English Test

Self-learning and official online courses are available to help you score your best in the Cambridge Linguaskill English Test.

Cambridge Linguaskill is one of the easiest English tests to prepare for. There are various options, suited to different learners, to ensure that you will be ready to take the Cambridge Linguaskill test in peak condition.

There are three main types of prep materials:

  1. Official Cambridge Linguaskill Online Learning & Prep Courses.
  2. Linguaskill online practice tests.
  3. Self-learning online prep materials.

A. Official Cambridge Linguaskill Online Learning & Prep Courses

Study and prepare yourself with Cambridge's official Linguaskill online learning course, with complete independent modules for Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking. Up to 40 hours worth of content, inclusive of sample Linguaskill papers with answer guides.

Jump to Each Module Quickly: Reading & Listening | Writing | Speaking

Cambridge Linguaskill Online Learning & Prep Course: Reading & Listening Module

Part 1 of 3 in the Series

Purchase Price: RM150.00 per learner

Author: Published by Cambridge

The most authoritative and comprehensive learning and preparation material for Linguaskill's Reading test. Suitable for both Linguaskill General and Linguaskill Business test variants. Includes:

  • 10 hours of learning and preparation contents.
  • Reading skill improvement content, linked to the format of the actual test, as follows:
    • Overview. Improving reading fluency; knowledge of fixed expressions, idioms, and collocations; ability to recognise paraphrase; tips and resources for practice.
    • Improving Read and Select skills, such as identifying context; diagrams and graphs; formal and informal texts; labels and instructions.
    • Improving Gapped Sentences skills, and strategies to tackle them.
    • Improving Multiple Choice Gap Fill skills with practices (answers included).
    • Improving Open Gap Fill skills with practices (answers included).
    • Improving Extended Reading skills, including paraphrasing; inference, attitude, and opinions; general and specific information.
  • 5 theme-based learning content, related to the themes in the actual test, as follows:
    • Business and the Internet
    • Careers and Recruitment
    • Health and Safety
    • The Service Industry
    • Wholesale and Retail
  • Each theme is structured and organised as follows:
    • Overview gives a brief outline of what the unit covers.
    • Thinking Ahead asks questions to start you thinking about the topic.
    • Vocabulary contains meaning-focused exercises that helps you with the topic vocabulary needed to understand the texts.
    • Short Text 1, 2, and 3 will help you prepare for the Read and Select questions.
    • Extended Reading will help you prepare for the Extended Reading questions.
    • Vocabulary Extension will help you build up your vocabulary, which is important if you want to score higher in Linguaskill.
    • Gap Fill and Gap Fill 2 will help you practise for Gapped Sentences, Multiple Choice Gap-fill, and Open Gap-fill.
    • Grammar will help you to practise and develop your knowledge of language structures that will be useful in the Linguaskill test.
  • Listening skill improvement content, linked to the format of the actual test, as follows:
    • Overview. Improving listening fluency, tips, and resources for practice.
    • Identifying the Main Idea and practices to strengthen this skill.
    • Identifying Opinions and Feelings and practices to strengthen this skill.
    • Identifying Paraphrases and practices to strengthen this skill.
    • Making Predictions and practices to strengthen this skill.
  • 5 theme-based learning content, related to the themes in the actual test, as follows:
    • Jobs
    • Ordering and Amending
    • Promoting Products
    • The Consultant
    • The Opportunity
  • Each theme is structured and organised as follows:
    • Overview gives a brief outline of what the unit covers.
    • Thinking Ahead asks questions to start you thinking about the topic.
    • Vocabulary contains meaning-focused exercises that helps you with the topic vocabulary needed to understand the texts.
    • In Skills 1 you will learn vocabulary and specific language.
    • In Skills 2 you will practise grammar and and functional language.
    • In Skills 3 you will listen for information that will help you answer the Listen and Select and Extended Listening sections of the actual test.
    • In Linguaskill-type Questions, you will have even more practice on the Listen and Select and Extended Listening sections of the actual test.
  • One (1) practice test, with answers provided at the end of the course.

Cambridge Linguaskill Online Learning & Prep Course: Writing Module

Part 2 of 3 in the Series

Purchase Price: RM75.00 per learner

Author: Published by Cambridge

The most authoritative and comprehensive learning and preparation material for Linguaskill's Writing test. Suitable for both Linguaskill General and Linguaskill Business test variants. Includes:

  • 5-10 hours of learning and preparation contents.
  • Writing skills and strategies, linked to the format of the actual test, as follows:
    • Self-study Advice. General study advice for the test.
    • Test Strategies Overview. How to approach the two different tasks in the actual Linguaskill Writing test.
    • Test Strategies Part 1. Specific strategies to tackle Part One of the actual Linguaskill Writing test.
    • Test Strategies Part 2. Specific strategies to tackle Part Two of the actual Linguaskill Writing test.
  • 4 theme-based learning content, related to Part 1 of the actual Linguaskill Writing test, as follows:
    • Requesting Information
    • Responding to a Request
    • Announcing a Change
    • Giving Information
  • 4 theme-based learning content, related to Part 2 of the actual Linguaskill Writing test, as follows:
    • Job Description
    • Advertising Campaign
    • Company Description
    • Covering Letter
  • In Part 1, each theme is structured and organised as follows:
    • Overview gives a brief outline of what the unit covers.
    • Task Analysis contains a Linguaskill task and four exercises that help you identify the main information you need to write the response.
    • Language Focus contains five exercises which focus on format, register, expressions, functions, and other aspects of language you may find useful when writing a task response.
    • Reply is a series of exercises which asks you to reconstruct the task response analysed in Language Focus.
    • Linguaskill Task provides a new task and a notepad, where you will practise responding to a Linguaskill task similar to what you can expect in Part One of the Linguaskill Writing test.
  • In Part 2, each theme is structured and organised as follows:
    • Overview gives a brief outline of what the unit covers.
    • Task Analysis contains a Linguaskill task and three exercises that help you identify the main information you need to write the response.
    • Language Focus contains five exercises which helps you identify style features, important vocabulary, and text structure you may find useful when writing a task response.
    • Task Response contains exercises which help you recreate a task response step-by-step.

Cambridge Linguaskill Online Learning & Prep Course: Speaking Module

Part 3 of 3 in the Series

Purchase Price: RM75.00 per learner

Author: Published by Cambridge

The most authoritative and comprehensive learning and preparation material for Linguaskill's Speaking test. Suitable for both Linguaskill General and Linguaskill Business test variants. Includes:

  • 10 hours of learning and preparation contents combined.
  • Covers all 5 Parts of the Linguaskill Speaking test.
  • Speaking skills and strategies, linked to the format of the actual test, from Part 1 to Part 5, as follows:
    • In Overview you will be introduced to the topic and the speaking skills to be practised in the unit.
    • In Model Task you will listen to a fictional candidate giving a high-level response to a task.
    • In Word Patterns you will complete exercises focussing on how to correctly read numbers, names, forms of address and common acronyms, and do exercises to practise word stress.
    • In Sentence Patterns you will do exercises to practice intonation patterns, sentence stress, and the use of weak forms.
    • In Interpreting Graphics you will examine the visual material and do exercises to practise interpreting the information presented.
    • In Topic Focus you will do exercises to practise vocabulary related to the topic and practise responding to different question types.
    • In Useful Language you will do exercises to practise giving an opinion, and other useful language that could help you with your test.
    • In Planning you will practise making notes. You will also be given model notes relating to the same task, which you will reflect on and use to prepare for the practice exercises ahead.
    • In Predicting and Planning you will practise anticipating what questions you could be asked and noting down your ideas to help you give an extended answer. You will be given model notes relating to the same points, which you will reflect on and use to prepare for the practice exercises ahead.
    • In Strategies you will do exercises to practise identifying key words in questions and answering appropriately.
    • In Your Turn you will answer test questions that practise the skills covered in the unit. These will give you effective practice for the specific part of the Linguaskill Speaking test.

B. Linguaskill Online Practice Tests

Practice your Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking skills with Linguaskill Practice Tests that simulate the actual Linguaskill test at The LS Prep Masterclass. See how you ready you are by comparing your answers to mock answers. Free and paid contents available.

The LS Prep Masterclass Website for Cambridge Linguaskill Prep

Looking for Linguaskill Practice Tests for Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking?

Try our Practice Test Generator

Linguaskill practice tests are simulated tests based on the Cambridge Linguaskill English test. Practice tests are also sometimes called mock tests. Answers are provided for our Linguaskill practice tests, however, the practice tests you take will not be marked. You will not receive a score, result, or CEFR level for your Linguaskill practice tests.


  • More than 1,000 generatable practice tests.
  • Simulates the Linguaskill test-taking experience.
  • Free and paid content available.
  • Independently written by CEFR C1 & Above writers.
  • Mock answers provided for self-preparation and review.
Learn More

C. Self-learning Online Prep Materials

The self-learning online prep materials are suitable for those who are looking for a convenient way to prepare themselves for the Cambridge Linguaskill English test.

  • Official prep materials developed by Cambridge Assessment English.
  • Free of charge.
  • Learn online and learn according to your own time.
  • Extensive coverage of Linguaskill reading & listening, writing, and speaking modules.
  • Explore test and question formats in detail for all four skills.
  • Free online sample tests for all four skills.
  • Scoring tips and strategies (video guides).

Access the self-learning online prep materials below.

Official Quick Guide to Linguaskill E-Book

Need more self-help for Cambridge Linguaskill?

Purchase the Official Quick Guide to Linguaskill E-Book

Author: Karen Ludlow
Published by Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English

The Official Quick Guide to Linguaskill from Cambridge is your short, definitive guide to test success. It tells you everything you need to know in preparation for test day. Using this booklet you will know: the test format and timings, which version is for you - Linguaskill Business or Linguaskill General, test grading and results framework, what's in each module and tips for each part, and key points to remember for test day. You'll have a chance to practise exam tasks in the book and via online links. Brought to you by Cambridge University Press together with Cambridge Assessment English who produce the test itself. An ebook edition is also available via the Cambridge Bookshelf app.


  • 10 hours of familiarisation and practice of the test.
  • Information on the test structure and examples of every question type in the test.
  • Hints and tips on how to succeed in the test.
Purchase the E-Book from Cambridge


Introducing: NYC English Speak English Fast Programme

An award-winning, cloud-based English programmed designed to improve your speaking, listening, and reading results quickly.

Purchase Price: Starting from RM45.00 per level
Targeted Tests:

The NYC English Speak English Fast Programme is an award-winning, cloud-based English programme that is delivered through a downloadable app which runs on mobile, tablet, and PC/Mac. The app uses high-definition videos and animations that engage you with authentic English language communication. You can watch and hear your teachers and practice communicative tasks with its voice recognition tool, apply grammar rules to conversations, improve your speaking skills, and expand your vocabulary by learning key words associated to real world themes.

  • Free placement test to determine your starting level (CEFR).
  • Expand your vocabulary with 3,000+ English words and phrases.
  • Sharpen your speaking skills (pronunciation, enunciation, intonation) through 10,500+ speaking practices with speech correction technology.
  • 90 real world topics to better prepare you for whatever question the English examiner may ask you.
  • Interactive learning with 600+ video lessons and lesson transcripts.
  • Full mother language support included, including Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin.
Learn More