Cambridge Linguaskill Results Verification Services

Validating the Authenticity of Cambridge Linguaskill Test Results

All Cambridge Linguaskill tests administered in Malaysia follow a strict proctoring procedure to ensure the integrity of the test is protected. The procedure includes facial identification, document verification, equipment checks, and visual confirmation, among a list of rules and regulations that all authorised Cambridge Linguaskill Test Centres adhere to.

To further protect the integrity of the Linguaskill test, you may wish to validate any Linguaskill test reports that you receive. Depending on the nature of the validation, you may wish to utilise one or both of the following validation tools at your disposal.

Cambridge Linguaskill Online Result Verification

Use this verification tool if you would like to:

  • Verify the authenticity of a Cambridge Linguaskill test report.
  • Ensure that the Cambridge Linguaskill test report is issued by an official Cambridge Linguaskill Test Centre.
  • Verify that the candidate details on the test report are accurate.

Click on the button below to access the Cambridge Linguaskill online verification tool. You will need to register an account (free) in order to use the verification tool.

Cambridge Linguaskill Online Verification Tool  Check for Blacklisted Candidates

English Competency Inspection and Verification Service

Use this verification service if you:

  • Would like to verify the English competency of the test taker in the four English skills.
  • Suspect that the English competency results of the test taker does not accurately reflect his/her ability.
  • Would like to cross-check the English competency level of the test taker using alternative/equivalent tests.

This service applies to all English competency results of the five major English tests recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education Malalysia. To access this service, drop us an email using the form below and a Sasbadi representative will contact you for more details.

Drop Us An Enquiry Email